Thursday, May 28, 2009


Since Makayla has gotten older, she has a hard time sleeping in her bed for whatever reason. We will find her on the floor, Jentris bed (which I don't understand since they have twin beds...too small if you ask me for them both to sleep on :) ) Anyway, the other night as I was headed to bed, I looked in on my girls and found Mick sleeping in her flower chair.....

She will put her pillow on the edge of Jentris bed
Doesn't she look comfortable?!?


There has been SO much going on this last month. I will get back to blogging more often hopefully soon. But since I have a couple of minutes I will post a few things and try to get caught up this weekend.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Is graduating from the 6th grade today!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Christians Birthday

He is 14 today. While putting some clothes away last night I found a picture. Thought I show you what he looks like today and what he looked like when he was 15 months old.

When he was 15 months old....SO CUTE!!