Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa's Village

This year Makayla is on the student council. They decided to put together a Santa Village for the school. For the last 3 weeks they have been working on putting it together, and yesterday was the "big day".

Here are some pictures of what they did.

Sorry they are a little blurry, my camera is having a problem. But none the less, here they are.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The day after Thanksgiving

Doesnt Mick look happy?!?

The day after Thanksgiving we go watch Santa land at the University Mall. This is our tradition, not the early morning craziness!!
We have alot of fun rice krispie treats and hot chocolate each year.

Catching up

I have been a slacker on getting pictures posted. Here are a few things that have gone on around here since Thanksgiving.

Makayla and Ken cleaning the turkey. They have done it for the last 5 years, it is there tradition they do.

Sometimes Makayla will eat more than what she puts in the bags!

This is what Jentri and I do when she cant walk right now because of her knee...

We draw smiley faces on all of her toes!

Monday, December 15, 2008

I am thankful for....

Wow! It has been a long time since I have been here. So much for me posting everyday. But at least I am trying....right? Today has been SO busy! But what I enjoyed most about today and what I am thankful for would be Jentri. She has the sweetest spirit of anyone I know. She has hurt her knee and she is in a wheelchair. But she still has a smile on her face. And today was her 1st grade Christmas performance, she did AWESOME!! She was in her wheelchair in the front row, on the floor singing and do all the motions. It was such a cute program.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I am thankful for....

I am thankful for bedtime!! My kids are finally in bed~WHEW! I don't know what has been going on with them lately if it's the season or what but MAN let me tell you, they have been SNOTS! My girls are fighting, Christian is hating life~moody, moody, moody!!

I am just glad they are in bed, now if they would go to sleep :)

I am thankful for....

SNOW!!! We got just a touch of it yesterday~WOOHOO I am anxiously waiting for more!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I am thankful for....

I am thankful for Christmas. It really is the most wonderful time of the year. There is a feeling that you get at this time. There is fun, food and family. Who wouldnt love it? The smells, the lights, the music.....I LOVE Christmas!
Today is my Open House! I hope all goes well....wish me luck!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am thankful for....

I am a day late but at least I am Today I am thankful for Christian. I know to some that might seem strange, but I am thankful for him. He is a pretty good teenager, not too mouthy or too snotty (yet :) ) But I think what I am thankful for is he has taught me patience. With him being type one diabetic he has taught me how to deal with the little things. I know, "little things" with him a diabetic? but it is true. Yes he has really high reading and really low reading and it can happen in a matter of 15-30 minutes. But he handles them we get through it and move on.

He has taught me that even though you are diabetic, you can do anything. He may have to do "anything" in a different way then other kids. Birthday parties are not the same to him as they are other kids and yes it is frustrating to have to deal with all the ups and downs of diabetes (the high readings one time then the low feeling 30 minutes later. The midnight and 3AM checks that we sometimes have to do etc....) but he does it each and every day, shot after shot, finger prick after finger prick. I am 38 years old and I dont think I could do to myself what he goes through each and everyday and he is only 13.

So today I am thankful for my Christian or Pean as we call him :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I am thankful for....

It has been awhile since my last blog and the "I am thankful for..." After Thanksgiving everyone in my family started getting sick with the flu. Christian got it first, then Makayla. I got it on Monday and Ken got it today. The only one that has been lucky so far is Jentri, and we are hoping she doesnt get it.

So today I would have to say that I am thankful for not beign sick anymore. was NASTY stuff!! Now I am just getting ready for my open house on Saturday. I hope all goes well. And for those of you who dont know, I have started selling Scentsy "wickless" candles out of my home. They are great. I love them! If you would like to visit my website and learn what Scentsy is all about go to