Tuesday, October 20, 2009


You help them as much as you can and not even a thank you!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dear Mother nature,

I am glad to see that you are FINALLY reading my blog. It seems that we are still a little slow at providing the cooler weather, but in a few days I think you will have finally come through. It is time for the 80-90 temps to go away for a long time. Thank you for listening.

A very happy person (at least when Wednesday gets here),

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My check list...

Get Dr to write prescription for pump for Christian....check
Get insurance to approve pump....check
Get call from Diabetes Speciality Center saying pump is in....check
Go to Salt Lake and get pump....check
Go back to Salt Lake for pump class....check
12am, 3am, 6am blood sugar checks to make sure pump is working ok....a very tired check
Having pump for a week....check (close enough)

After 4 years of shots, shots and more shots we have FINALLY gotten a pump. I have mixed emotions about it. I am so used to doing shots and figuring everything out (the pump does most of this now), it has been a big change for me. I have heard good and bad things can happen when you use a pump. We found out Tuesday when we went to Salt Lake for the pump class, that he would stat using his pump then. He will get a continuous drip of insulin in his body (this is to mimic the pancreas) so when things go wrong with his pump, his blood sugar will shoot up really high in a short amount of time. This is because he doesn't have Lantus in his body anymore.

While I am happy that he finally got a pump, I am hoping things will be good and we wont run into too many problems.

I will keep you all updated :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Some good news...

Things have not been going too good around our house for a little while. But FINALLY things are starting to turn around. Now I just hope they stay that way for a while :) As you know, Kens hours got cut and he was part time. He made some phone calls and he is able to keep his full 8 hours by way of working at 2 schools. WOOHOO!

Then today as I was taking Jentri to school, I got a call and the insurance authorized for Christian to be able to get a pump!! We have been working on getting him one since June. We were denied the first time but after all the records and the phone calls to the doctor and the doctor calling the insurance company, things went through WOOHOO (again!)

I am so glad a few things are turning around in our favor...now if we can just keep it up for a little bit longer.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Do you ever wonder why?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I was hoping...

That even though the economy is really bad, that with everything Ken does at the school we would be ok. But I guess not. Ken came home from work yesterday looking a little down and I thought he was just tired from the work week, didn't think too much about it. While I was doing laundry, I heard him on the phone asking about hours in kindergarten. I go in our room to see what is going on, and he tells me that they have cut his hours. He is now working 4 hours a day instead of 8. What a shock!!

He has already put some calls in to people that he knows and we are hoping that things will get better. I was thinking of life last night after the kids were in bed and I guess this is how people become homeless, it starts at the end of the day with bad news and keeps getting worse.

Not saying that we are going to be homeless, it was just a thought. So for the last 12 hours I have been in the "what can we cut out mode". Looks like TV programs and Bunco are the first to go.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

WOOHOO for Jentri

School has been in for a few weeks now and last Friday she took he first spelling test. There were 10 words and she got 10 out of 10! She is awesome in spelling, last year in first grade the most she ever missed on a 20 word spelling test for the whole year was 1!!

Like I said...WOOHOO for Jentri

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dear Mother Nature,

Obviously you have ignored my last post about the weather. While I am sure there are other people that are enjoying the 90+ weather that we are STILL having, I for one am not one of them. Please, please, please take into consideration the cooler weather loving people. ANY significant temperature drop would be greatly appreciated!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Here we go again...

I got a txt from christian saying he didn't feel good. Headache, sore throat and upset tummy. Had him check his blood sugar, he was 308! Took a correction shot, still high. Went to get him, hope things calm down. Maybe he is sick with strep or something, that would be an easy answer to the high readings after a few days of lows.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dear mother Nature...

I know we are supposed to have 4 seasons, I understand the reasons why we do. But honestly, haven't we had enough summer? The heat, sweating in places that you really shouldn't, the muggy weather, sun burns and did I mention the heat? I think it is time that you consider turning down the temperatures, at my house (well with me at least) it would be greatly appreciated.

From your winter loving, cool temperature, wishing for snow, summer hating friend

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Makayla started 7th grade!

She went to the bus stop in tears, talk about feeling guilty! She looked so cute in her new digs, but you will have to take my word for it because I am now blogging without photos till the stupid computer gets fixed. I did take a pic of her on my phone, so if I have your cell number I will send it to you.

We are just waiting for her to get home.....

She started 7th grade today, Christian and Jentri are home. Tomorrow She will be home and Christian and Jentri will go to school. On Friday all 3 of them will go to school. What will I do with my time???

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blogging without photos.....

I have been meaning to update my blog but something else would seem to get my attention. The other day I went to update and my photos will not download to my computer. We have been having problems with our computer and I guess it is also affecting being able to download our photos. So you will all be updated without photos until things get fixed...sorry

Here is a recap of our summer so far

June~Ken turned 40! We found out he has some heart problems and my dr also found a lump in my breast. Ken is on heart medication now and has to see a cardiologist. I have been taken off of my hormone pills for a while, they are going to recheck me and see if it is the hormone pills or if there really is a problem.

We have also been trying to get Christian on a pump that will monitor his blood sugar every 5 minutes along with an insulin pump.

The Owlz started their baseball season, we have been going to the games.

July~We redid the back deck railing, had fun going to the 4th of July parade and doing fireworks.
Getting kids ready for school. I cant believe we are at that point already. It seems like the summer is creeping by then I turn around and they are needing to get ready for school.

August~Just hanging around, going to Owlz games waiting for school to start.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I am still around...

Just going crazy with summer. I am going to take some time the next couple of weeks and update everything.... :) See you soon

Monday, June 15, 2009

JDRF Walk To Find A Cure

My dear friends and family that read my blog, it is that time of year again when Christian will be doing his walk in September for the JDRF. I will be posting more information about it later and letting you all know how much we have raised to help find a cure.

Friday, June 12, 2009

6th Grade Graduation WOOHOO!

Finally! After all the hard work and hours she has made it! The theme as you can see is "Shoot for the Stars" We were all able to be there for her. I am on the PTA and I was in charge of getting a speaker. We have a young man in our neighborhood, that is an AWESOME person! I was able to get him to speak at her graduation (we love you Anthony!!)

The whole Fam Damily

Anthony and Makayla (look at those dimples!)

Makayla and her diploma (Harris Hillstead next to her)

After getting her diploma

Waiting for graduation to start and wearing the candy necklace Anthony made for her.

N.O.V.A Graduation

At Orem Elementary half way through the year they have a program that is called NOVA. It is basically a program that teaches kids not to do drugs or drink and how to stop bullying and how to not be a bully....stuff like that.

When the program is over, you get to graduate from the program. This is also packed into the 6th grade graduation, field day and all the other activities that the school does at the end of the year.

Makayla, Bianca and Baylee (AKA Larry, Curly and Mo :) )
Getting her NOVA diploma

Sgt. Wakamatzu and Mr. Davies (I don't remember the name of the guy in the white shirt :) )


We have a wisteria in our front yard. One day while I was walking around the yard I noticed it was in pretty much full bloom. I couldn't resist taking pictures of it.

I love it when it is at this point, it smells like root beer! :)

Christians 14th birthday

For his birthday, we had a BBQ and some of the family over. Grandma sue and Grandpa Dennis had already come over. They gave him a laptop and he didn't want to wait until Friday for it.

Makayla and Jentri with their cousin Bella
Lacey and Stokley

His birthday cake

Can you see all the facial hairs?!? :)

I have already posted this but it was too cute to not do it again.
Food, family and fun, what more can you ask for?

Too long...

It has been way too long since I have been on here! SO many things have happened. So I will get started and try to get caught up for a few :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Since Makayla has gotten older, she has a hard time sleeping in her bed for whatever reason. We will find her on the floor, Jentris bed (which I don't understand since they have twin beds...too small if you ask me for them both to sleep on :) ) Anyway, the other night as I was headed to bed, I looked in on my girls and found Mick sleeping in her flower chair.....

She will put her pillow on the edge of Jentris bed
Doesn't she look comfortable?!?


There has been SO much going on this last month. I will get back to blogging more often hopefully soon. But since I have a couple of minutes I will post a few things and try to get caught up this weekend.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Is graduating from the 6th grade today!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Christians Birthday

He is 14 today. While putting some clothes away last night I found a picture. Thought I show you what he looks like today and what he looked like when he was 15 months old.

When he was 15 months old....SO CUTE!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My dog Zeplin...

So this is my crazy dog, Zeplin. She LOVES to sleep in the middle window sill in the front room. She has to have the blind pulled up and the window open just a bit so she can get the breeze.

She wasn't too happy with me in this one. She was trying to sleep and I was taking her picture...lol

Sunday, April 26, 2009

WOOHOO for me!!

During March and April when Christian was being home schooled for a bit, one of his teachers would come over to the house and help him keep caught up in all his classes. One of the projects he had to do was make a pillow case.

Now that he has started back to school, he has dropped his "fun" classes and is just taking the basic ones so he can take the end of year testing.

We got the material for the pillow case (along with material for the frog, backpack and the apron) I hated to see it just sit there and go to waste so I decided to make the pillow case last night and this is what I got.....

It actually turned out!!

Spring Break....I think

A couple of weeks ago we had what should have been Spring break. But one morning this is what we woke up too....

Up under the pine tree
It broke branches off the Magnolia tree

We ended up with 13 inches of snow during the night!

We lost about 12 branches off of the pine tree in the back corner of the yard.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

She pushed him into a locker!

Christian just sent me a text and that little bitch Dennoly just hit Christian and pushed him into a locker!!

Now I remember why I hated Jr high....

So the other night Christian had a couple of friends over. He has been friends with these kids for about 4 years now, and for those of you who have been around our family the last three years know Landon and Omar. Ken and I have been extremely nice to them and their families, let them into our lives and even taken them in as one of our own. Anyway, Saturday they came over and there is this new girl (well she is supposed to be, a girl that is, she looks like a guy) that has been hanging around with them he name is Dennoly (she is a lesbian by the way).

So when all them them were here Saturday, Landon thought it would be funny to put a stink bomb under Christians chair and have it break when he moved the chair. Well it broke and my whole house smelled like rotten eggs. Landon thought it was the funniest thing he had ever done! I got a bit upset about it and told them not to do it again. They can do it outside, just not in the house. Well, when I got mad Landon and Dennoly got mad at Christian and started texting him things like F*** You, you are gay, your mom is fat and ugly, they were going to kill him just stuff like that.
He was replying to them a bit, telling them to stop and other stuff. Well now there is a whole group of kids that are after Christian at school. Mind you, he just stared back again after being out for almost 2 months. There is Landon, Laynie (Landons older sister), Dennoly and he girlfriend Allison.

Landon has gone around the school telling Christians friends that he pops his zits and eats the puss, they will stand at then end of the hallway and yell "Christian is gay" or "Christian masturbates". then to top it all of yesterday (Tuesday) Dennoly took a swing at Christian and tried to punch him!!

All of this because I got upset they broke a stink bomb in my house!! And now he is nervous to go to school because Dennoly is in his A1 and A2 classes. What a bunch of crap!


Monday, April 20, 2009

1 day down....27 to go

Today was Christians first day back to school after being out of school since the end of February. He was a little nervous, but then again so was I. I was worried that his blood sugar would go low or he would get really tired form the mono, but things were OK. WHEW!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Christian has a cold....

I am hoping and praying that his blood sugars dont go sky high again.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

To the hospital we go...AGAIN!

Things were going pretty good, blood sugars were down Christian was starting to feel better...WOOHOO!! NOT!! I let him do a few more things, he was feeling better right? I thought I couldn't hurt. Well, he went to a friends house to stay the night. His friend doesn't live to far from my mom, they walked over to her house (after waking to the park) he was hungry (surprise). Mom made him and Aaron a sandwich, chips and a drink checked his blood sugar, he was 67 so basically lunch was free ( or just about. He maybe should have had 1 unit of insulin). It normally would have been ok and we could have corrected at dinner which was just 2 hours away. Well, he was high at dinner (no surprise with having the sandwich at grandmas) gave shot for dinner and a correction shot. Checked him at bedtime and he was over 400!

Over the next few days he kept going higher and higher and higher and I noticed he was getting his rash back UGH!!

Talked to his pediatric doctor, he thought he might have strep throat because not only was he having the high blood sugars and rash, he also had a headache and he was really tired again.
Tested for strep...negative! Good but bad..now on to the ok what is the problem questions.
He started having ketones again (up to 3.3), no strep, high blood sugars, rash....mono was back again!

Finally on Sunday afternoon, he was getting sicker, blood sugars going higher more and more ketones appearing I took him to the ER for some fluid to help bring down the blood sugar. The ER had to call his pediatric doctor, he said he had to go back to Utah Valley. Took him down there and what do you know...he had to stay!
We were there Sunday night, Monday, Monday night and up till 6:00 on Tuesday.....there goes Bunco!!

We are home now, with some very large amounts of insulin. He needs 42 units of his Lantus each night, he gets 1 unit of Humalog for every 5 grams of carbs and for his correction it is 1 unit of Humalog for every 20 points above 140. It doesn't sound like much, but when you are drawing up the insulin and giving it to your child, it is A LOT!!

He has had ups and downs with his sugar still, but hopefully it will get better soon. He is going back to school on the 20th of this month but only for 1/2 days. He will be taking his core classes so he can do end of year testing. but his teacher will not be coming to the house as of today.

I hope we are making the right choice. I am so worried to let him go back to school, worried that he might end up back in the hospital. That is why we choose to let him go 1/2 day rather than going full time again. And with school just about over it hopefully wont be too much on him.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

"A Little Bit Longer"

I am sure many of you know that Nick Jonas has type 1 diabetes also. Well there is a song that he has wrote about his (and others) diabetes called "A Little Bit Longer". Here are the words to it and if you get a chance go to YouTube and search for it.

"A Little Bit Longer"
Words and music by Nick Jonas

Got the news today
Doctor said I had to stay...
A little bit longer and I'll be fine
When I thought it'd all been done
When I thought it'd all been said

A little bit longer and I'll be fine
But you don't know what you got till it's gone
And you don't know what it's like to feel so low
And everytime you smile or laugh you glow
You don't even know (no, no)
You don't even know

All this time goes by
Still no reason why
A little bit longer and I'll be fine
Waiting on a cure
But none of them are sure

A little bit longer and I'll be fine
But you don't know what you got till it's gone
And you don't know what it's like to feel so low
And everytime you smile or laugh you glow

You don't even know (no, no)
You don't even know (no, no)
You don't even know (no, no)

(2,3,4!) Yeah!

And you don't know what you got till it's gone
And you don't know what it's like to feel so low
And everytime you smile you laugh you glow
You don't even know! No!

So I'll wait till kingdom come
All the highs and lows are gone
A little bit longer and I'll be fine
I'll be...fine

Monday, March 30, 2009

Well, here we go again....

As many of you know, in March Christian had to be hospitalized for his diabetes. And while he was in the hospital we found out he has mono and he has been home from school. With him being home has has been very bored. So this last weekend he went to a friends house and spent the night, while he was there they walked over to see grandma Sue. Christian was hungry, he checked his blood he was 62. Mom gave him a sandwich to eat and a few other things. When he came home, it was dinner time, checked his blood for dinner and he was 202. Not too bad, should be lower but I can live with that.

Had dinner, we all went and walked around the mall, came home and it was time for him to check his blood sugar again for his bedtime reading and he was 467! And ever since he has been in the high 400's. Since Saturday at dinner time the lowest he has been in 311. I am glad he is going to the endo today. Hopefully we can get things straightened out for him!! UGH..I am frustrated with this!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Classic Skating

Twice a year the school pays for everyone and their family to go skating at Classic. It is a day that Jentri looks forward to. She will take her scooter and go around and around and around. She loves it when they do the "blackout". She gets to buy a special light to skate with when they turn the light out so she can see to skate. She likes being there with her friends and listening to the music.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Jentri Bday

Jentri's birthday was a couple of weeks ago. And with things being the way they have been with christian, she didn't get to have a party like she wanted, so we took her to build a bear for her "special day".

She has about 3 pieces of gum in her mouth! Guess she needed something to do while we waited in line :)

Shes happy now because she is next....but what about Dad? LOL
After she stuffed her bear, she gets to "wash and brush" her.

Now she is naming her. After long and hard thinking she came up with BOOG.

This is the cake I made her for her party. It just ended up being the family. It was a quiet birthday day for her.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Jentris Bday "7"

Jentri had her first friend bday party today. She invited 6 girls over (boy were they LOUD!) They watched Madagascar 2, had cake and ice cream, opened presents and played games.

This is the cake she had for her friend party

Taylor, Emily, Jentri and Ashlynn

Emily gave her a new Tinkerbell blanket

Taylor gave her bag with Hannah Montana stickers
a Hannah pen and white board

Playing "Bubble gum, bubble gum" after cake and ice cream
Emily, Kalina, Mia, Ellie, Taylor, Ashlynn and Jentri

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A long weekend!

After a month long battle with Christians diabetes, it finally came to a head or you could say the bottom fell out. For the last week within 2 hours of me taking him to school he would call me saying he didn't feel good or his blood sugar was really high. I would go get him, he would rest and try to start another day.

After a week of blood sugar readings being in the high 500-700's he finally started spilling ketones (that is where your body is not using the fat and insulin they way it should and it "spills" into your blood). On Saturday he was between 2.8-4.4 (normal is anything below .6). when you are 3.0 it is straight to the ER. I would have him check to see if they would go down, they would but then he would be high again.

After we had cake and ice cream for Jentris "7" bday, he tested his blood, his meter would only read HI, so he was probably over 700. Ketones were 3.1....off to the ER we go. They start him on fluid through an IV, by the time the second bags starts we find out he is critically hi and he has ketones over 4.0. Once they start the second bag, he starts saying he can't breath, he goes as pale as the sheets, curls up in a ball and starts to cry. They put him on oxygen and take him to Utah Valley in Provo.

From there he is still on oxygen, a heart monitor and another IV. After trying to get some sleep at 4 AM, they start checking his blood every hour. Finally get him down to 96, he eats his first meal and goes back up again. UGH!! He stays high for most of the time while we are in the hospital. While we are in there, I ask them about a rash he has on his upper body on his chest, neck and beck. They draw more blood and it turns out he has mono!!

We are finally able to come home Monday afternoon, but he can't go to school because of mono. So now he is home till that goes away, blood sugars are high then low, high then low again!! I am on little sleep ,exhausted. I call "Ben", he is the diabetic educator. He is the one who was with us for 3 days in the hospital when he was first diagnosed. And I have been told that he is for sure a "brittle diabetic". So that means we will almost always be high or low, no normal range for him.

Friday, March 6, 2009

3 words


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Christian and Stokley

When my sister Casey had her baby Bella Christian was holding her and she threw up on him. After that, he wouldn't hold a baby. After a few years of talking to him and telling him that every time you hold a baby that doesn't happen he decided to try it. Last month after Bunco when Stokley was here he held her.......

Awww....so cute!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Valentines Day

For Valentines Day my DH gave me these beautiful flowers. The pics are not in the right order, but I had to take some of the flowers as they opened up. They were so pretty!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One more for diabetes

Here is the serious side of diabetes. This one makes me cry. I know this post and the last post are asking for donations for a cure, but I am not doing that. I am wanting to make people more aware of diabetes and the effects it has on the families.



I got this off of Cafemom from a diabetes group that I belong to. This is the funnier side of diabetes. But everything in here is true it is what we have to go through each and every day. People when they find out you have type 1 diabetes one of the first things they say is "oh, you can out grow it" actually you can't. So anyway, enough of the serious stuff watch the video and read the words that go with it.



Get up now Get up now you look pale to me

Check it now check it now we will have to see

Are you High? are you low? do you have to eat?

Check it now, do you have to pee?

Get your clothes, are you wearing that?

Wash your face Brush your teeth wheres your homework at?

Pack your lunch so you don't have to eat school crap.

Don't roll your eyes at me like that.

Quick eat so we will have the time to calculate the carbs.

Check your Bolus so that you will not go high and have to check ketones.

Remember that the endo is expecting you today at 3
we will get the good mommy test grade they like to call your A1C

Don't panic!!!

I'm sure that, your log book is here somewhere.

It just cant grow legs and jump up and disappear.

Have you changed your needle since last week?

I swear to your dad I will have to speak.

Don't forget to chceck before you eat.

How many carbs are in that treat?

Wheres the work you missed at school today?

What not, what's the problem, what did she say?

I'll laminate that 504 and nail that sucker to your teacher's door.

Don't test my patience!!!!

I'm sleep deprived I have no life, can't recall my last vacation!
So close the kitchen for tonight.

It's restraunt food no carb counts, hope I guess them right.

Grab your ball and skates it's time to go so we might be on time for once.

Get a juice and a snack so you dont go low.

Exercise is good you know.

Kick it high, Jump high, what an awesome catch.

strips and meter I will fetch.

Check it quick so that you can get right back.

Knowing your number's on track.

Each day is a blessing I give thanks for you, being mine.

The challenges are many, that we will overcome in time.

Get your shower and your pump shirt on, so we don't have an incident.

We can't afford to repeat last years pump in the toilet accident.

Brush your hair, Brush your teeth, get your PJs on.

Check your blood sugar now lets see what's wrong.

Have a juice, take a seat, get a cold wash cloth, get a HEY
Don't you pass ot on me!

Stay still untill your 103.

Have a rootbeer, twizlers, cupcake, snowcone, snickers, juice or milkshake.

So if all your friends-- eat a thousand carbs---would you eat them too?

If I've said it once I've said at least a million times before
that we'll get through all this, I'm proud of how you handel it.

How are your supplies at school, oh do you have strips needles too?

What were out of strips where is the Walgreens that's open nights?

I'll be right back make sure your homeworks done and in your pack.

Get in bed, get a hug, get a kiss good night, I'll check you at midnight.

Don't forget I love you **Kiss**

And today we will repeat again for sure, every day until a cure.

You can help us find a cure, give now give now give now give now.

We thank you. we thank you. we thank you. we thank you.

Find the cure, the cure, the cure, the cure---The cure ---The Cure.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Christian and our very long and stressful week

So, for the past few months we have been fighting Christian's blood sugar. He has been really high, we have made changes but it didn't help much. Well, Tuesday morning he was 396, he sent me a text at 11:30 saying that he was 511! I just about crapped! I had him recheck again and he was 358 (I know most of you are wondering whats with the numbers, but he is supposed to be between 80-150 when he checks his blood). I went to the school again and checked his ketones they were negative (.1) which is good. But he said he didn't feel good and he came home. He checked through out the rest of the day and he was still high.

When he checked after Bunco at 9:00 for his bedtime reading he was 472. He was feeling dizzy and like he was going to throw up so we called the paramedics. They came over, checked him and he went up again! In just 30 minutes he went for 472 to 485. So then we took him to the ER, they checked him there and he was over 700! That is like seizure high.....we were pretty scared. Not sure what was going to happen. The hospital started him on a quart of liquid through an IV, and gave him a correction shot.

To make a long story and long night short, he ended up having 1 1/2 quarts of liquid, 3 correction shots ( 2 in his arm and 1 in the IV). We were at the ER most of the night. When they let us go, I had orders to see his Endo Wednesday or Thursday. And new ratios for his Novolog and Lantus.

Called his Endo first thing Wednesday morning, had an appointment to see him at 11:45 that morning. He is on 5th East and South Temple, driving up there in the snow wasn't too much fun, but we made it. Dr. Lindsay made more changes with insulin but now that his numbers are so high and we have made so many changes, I have to get up every hour and a half to make sure things are working. Make sure he isn't going too high again and make sure he isn't getting too much insulin and going low. And we have to check ketones every 3 hours. fun huh? I can tell you it has made for a VERY long week! His endo is talking about him being a "brittle" diabetic. I am going to do some research on that and find out exactly what that is...doesn't sound like much fun though.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Christian's Facial Hair

So a while ago Christian wanted to shave off his mustache. I thought he was a little young to shave, but I guess not. So after a little while of begging we finally decided to do it. Ken was shaving the other night, called Christian up and well......

Before, I don't know if you can see the hairs on his chin or not but they were there! (He needs to get rid of all the zits!!)

Chin first in case he changes his mind :)

Notice half the mustache is gone?? Back to the chin, more hair there than we thought!
Now the other half of the mustache

Viola! Looks like a baby face teenager (with zits :) )

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Me and Jentri

Ok, I know the picture is a little blurry, sorry about that (thanks for taking the pic Alyssa :) ). But I thought it was a cute picture and I actually didn't mind me being in it for a change.

She is my sidekick, for 5 years we did everything together. I really missed her when she went to school for a full day starting this year.

Jentri is such a sweet child, and so easy going. Her favorite thing to do when I am sad or not in the best mood is sing to me. She will sing "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You" from Rod Stewart and of course it almost always brings tears to my eyes and I am happy.

I just had to share this with you :)