After a month long battle with Christians diabetes, it finally came to a head or you could say the bottom fell out. For the last week within 2 hours of me taking him to school he would call me saying he didn't feel good or his blood sugar was really high. I would go get him, he would rest and try to start another day.
After a week of blood sugar readings being in the high 500-700's he finally started spilling ketones (that is where your body is not using the fat and insulin they way it should and it "spills" into your blood). On Saturday he was between 2.8-4.4 (normal is anything below .6). when you are 3.0 it is straight to the ER. I would have him check to see if they would go down, they would but then he would be high again.
After we had cake and ice cream for Jentris "7" bday, he tested his blood, his meter would only read HI, so he was probably over 700. Ketones were to the ER we go. They start him on fluid through an IV, by the time the second bags starts we find out he is critically hi and he has ketones over 4.0. Once they start the second bag, he starts saying he can't breath, he goes as pale as the sheets, curls up in a ball and starts to cry. They put him on oxygen and take him to Utah Valley in Provo.
From there he is still on oxygen, a heart monitor and another IV. After trying to get some sleep at 4 AM, they start checking his blood every hour. Finally get him down to 96, he eats his first meal and goes back up again. UGH!! He stays high for most of the time while we are in the hospital. While we are in there, I ask them about a rash he has on his upper body on his chest, neck and beck. They draw more blood and it turns out he has mono!!
We are finally able to come home Monday afternoon, but he can't go to school because of mono. So now he is home till that goes away, blood sugars are high then low, high then low again!! I am on little sleep ,exhausted. I call "Ben", he is the diabetic educator. He is the one who was with us for 3 days in the hospital when he was first diagnosed. And I have been told that he is for sure a "brittle diabetic". So that means we will almost always be high or low, no normal range for him.
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