Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The first part of December (I know I am a little behind :) ) Jentri came out to my car limping saying that she lost a cushion in her knee. I kind of brushed it off thinking maybe she twisted her knee or maybe tripped and feel but thought I would keep an eye on her and see what happens. Through out the evening she keep limping and having a hard time walking on her leg, I asked her to get jammies on because I wanted to look at her knee. When I did it was swollen, I called after hours they said to take her to the ER.

Well, she tore the muscle on the inside of her knee and had to be on crutches. They don't have crutches in her size or at least they couldn't find any for her so she ended up in a wheelchair.

She had to stay off of it for 4 days and this is what we did for entertainment while she stayed on the couch....we drew smiley faces on her toes!

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