Can I just vent for a minute and say how tired I am of taking care of my diabetic son? Now, I am not trying to be rude or step on toes and make people think I am a bad mom, but there is SOOO much to do for him!! Espically when his sugars are not where they should be and for no apparent reason too! One day for his breakfast reading he can be just fine then next thing you know WHOOOSH.....the whole bottom falls out.
For example the other day, his breakfast reading was fine, he went to school didnt take a shot for lunch because he was low. Still ate lunch, which was fine, but when he came home he was 54! Gave him something to eat checked again at dinner he was 59!! He should have gone up with his snack. Checked again later because he was having a piece of cake (it was his sisters bday) everything was ok, he was normal. Then he checks for his bedtime shot and what do you know??? Clear down to 53 AGAIN!! This of course makes for a bad night, I have to stay up till midnight to recheck, then get up at 3AM to recheck again and see how he is doing. and this has happened about 3 times in the last month and a half. The time before last he went the other way really really high.
While I love Christian SO much it is just so hard sometimes to have to deal with all of this. I can only imagine what he has to go through each and every day.