Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa's Village

This year Makayla is on the student council. They decided to put together a Santa Village for the school. For the last 3 weeks they have been working on putting it together, and yesterday was the "big day".

Here are some pictures of what they did.

Sorry they are a little blurry, my camera is having a problem. But none the less, here they are.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The day after Thanksgiving

Doesnt Mick look happy?!?

The day after Thanksgiving we go watch Santa land at the University Mall. This is our tradition, not the early morning craziness!!
We have alot of fun rice krispie treats and hot chocolate each year.

Catching up

I have been a slacker on getting pictures posted. Here are a few things that have gone on around here since Thanksgiving.

Makayla and Ken cleaning the turkey. They have done it for the last 5 years, it is there tradition they do.

Sometimes Makayla will eat more than what she puts in the bags!

This is what Jentri and I do when she cant walk right now because of her knee...

We draw smiley faces on all of her toes!

Monday, December 15, 2008

I am thankful for....

Wow! It has been a long time since I have been here. So much for me posting everyday. But at least I am trying....right? Today has been SO busy! But what I enjoyed most about today and what I am thankful for would be Jentri. She has the sweetest spirit of anyone I know. She has hurt her knee and she is in a wheelchair. But she still has a smile on her face. And today was her 1st grade Christmas performance, she did AWESOME!! She was in her wheelchair in the front row, on the floor singing and do all the motions. It was such a cute program.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I am thankful for....

I am thankful for bedtime!! My kids are finally in bed~WHEW! I don't know what has been going on with them lately if it's the season or what but MAN let me tell you, they have been SNOTS! My girls are fighting, Christian is hating life~moody, moody, moody!!

I am just glad they are in bed, now if they would go to sleep :)

I am thankful for....

SNOW!!! We got just a touch of it yesterday~WOOHOO I am anxiously waiting for more!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I am thankful for....

I am thankful for Christmas. It really is the most wonderful time of the year. There is a feeling that you get at this time. There is fun, food and family. Who wouldnt love it? The smells, the lights, the music.....I LOVE Christmas!
Today is my Open House! I hope all goes well....wish me luck!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am thankful for....

I am a day late but at least I am Today I am thankful for Christian. I know to some that might seem strange, but I am thankful for him. He is a pretty good teenager, not too mouthy or too snotty (yet :) ) But I think what I am thankful for is he has taught me patience. With him being type one diabetic he has taught me how to deal with the little things. I know, "little things" with him a diabetic? but it is true. Yes he has really high reading and really low reading and it can happen in a matter of 15-30 minutes. But he handles them we get through it and move on.

He has taught me that even though you are diabetic, you can do anything. He may have to do "anything" in a different way then other kids. Birthday parties are not the same to him as they are other kids and yes it is frustrating to have to deal with all the ups and downs of diabetes (the high readings one time then the low feeling 30 minutes later. The midnight and 3AM checks that we sometimes have to do etc....) but he does it each and every day, shot after shot, finger prick after finger prick. I am 38 years old and I dont think I could do to myself what he goes through each and everyday and he is only 13.

So today I am thankful for my Christian or Pean as we call him :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I am thankful for....

It has been awhile since my last blog and the "I am thankful for..." After Thanksgiving everyone in my family started getting sick with the flu. Christian got it first, then Makayla. I got it on Monday and Ken got it today. The only one that has been lucky so far is Jentri, and we are hoping she doesnt get it.

So today I would have to say that I am thankful for not beign sick anymore. was NASTY stuff!! Now I am just getting ready for my open house on Saturday. I hope all goes well. And for those of you who dont know, I have started selling Scentsy "wickless" candles out of my home. They are great. I love them! If you would like to visit my website and learn what Scentsy is all about go to

Friday, November 28, 2008

I am thankful for....

Happy Thanksgiving!

I really do have so much to be thankful for, but today I am thankful that I was able to digest ALL the food that I ate yesterday! WOW! It was so good though :)

I am hoping that within the next week I can say I am thankful for SNOW!!

I hope everyone that reads my blog and very wonderful Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am thankful for....

Ok I have to admit, after doing this for a few days, I was not sure what I was thankful for today. Then my puppy came in to see me, crawled up on my lap...well actually put her paws on my shoulders, she is too big to "crawl" up on my lap. And I got to thinking, I am thankful for my puppy. She greets me when I come home from running errands and everyone is gone. She loves me even when I dont have makeup on or I havent showered or even when I have gotten mad at her. So today I am thankful for my dog Zeplin :)
This is her at 4 months

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My new job

Just wanted to let all of you know that I have started selling Scentsy. They are the new wickless candles. I LOVE them!! Go to you can learn all about them and even order if you would like :)

I am thankful for....

Since I missed yesterday, I will add the two days together!

First I am thankful that I get to stay home. It has been a wonderful experience to be able to be home when my kids get home and be there in case they need me (which happens a fair amount with Christian). This year has been a little different, I have been home alone. All 3 kids are in school all day. Took some getting used to but... I have adjusted!!

Second I am thankful for my car!! With all the running around that I do for my family, and my MIL if I didnt have one I dont know what I would do. I know that might be kind of cheesey but trust me... I really am thankful for my pretty yellow car ( as we have named her). One of these days I will get a picture and put up for all to see. Then you can see my really cute car seat covers that I got for my Bday for Robin. Lacey and Alyssa

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Went to see Twilight lastnight with Robin, Lacey, Alyssa and Brittany. It was so much fun. If you like the Twilight series it is a MUST see!!

I am thankful for....

I am thankful for the roof that I have over my head. It is such a comfort to know that we have the comfort of our home. Knowing that my family will be warm and dry in the cold months and cool in the warm months.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am thankful for....

Today, I would have to say that I am thankful for my mom. She does SO much for me and my family. There are many times I would not have made it without her....THANKS MOM!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I am thankful for....

Today I am thankful for my family and all they do for me. They are such a HUGE part of my life, there are so many things I could not do without them. My hubby is such a great source of strenght for me. I know he loves me no matter what. My children teach me patience everyday of their life, espically Christian and all that he goes through each and everyday.
Ok, so I have decided that with the holidays approaching, I am going to blog each day on one thing that I am thankful for. With the economy and the world being the way that it is right now, I think we all need to focus and be thankful for what we have, not what we DONT have.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Can I just vent for a minute and say how tired I am of taking care of my diabetic son? Now, I am not trying to be rude or step on toes and make people think I am a bad mom, but there is SOOO much to do for him!! Espically when his sugars are not where they should be and for no apparent reason too! One day for his breakfast reading he can be just fine then next thing you know WHOOOSH.....the whole bottom falls out.

For example the other day, his breakfast reading was fine, he went to school didnt take a shot for lunch because he was low. Still ate lunch, which was fine, but when he came home he was 54! Gave him something to eat checked again at dinner he was 59!! He should have gone up with his snack. Checked again later because he was having a piece of cake (it was his sisters bday) everything was ok, he was normal. Then he checks for his bedtime shot and what do you know??? Clear down to 53 AGAIN!! This of course makes for a bad night, I have to stay up till midnight to recheck, then get up at 3AM to recheck again and see how he is doing. and this has happened about 3 times in the last month and a half. The time before last he went the other way really really high.

While I love Christian SO much it is just so hard sometimes to have to deal with all of this. I can only imagine what he has to go through each and every day.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This is the month we start getting ready for school. Christian is going into 8th, Makakyla is going into 6th and Jentri will be going into 1st. What fun it is getting the clothes, school supplies and paying for "free" education with 200$ in registration fees for Christian.

Don't the two older ones look so happy to be starting school? Although, I can't say I blame them, it did start a week earlier this year.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Our July: HOT, 4th of July and Fireworks!

July started out like all Julys do, HOT and with fireworks. We went to Provo and watched the 4th of July parade (as always). Later that night, we went to the Stadium of Fire. Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus is there. We were not able to get tickets, but we got as close as we could. The girls LOVED it!! The next night we did fireworks and had a BBQ with Robin, Andy, and Alyssa.
Other than going to Owlz games, having BBQs and hanging with friends and family that was about it.

Then at the end of July the 24th to be exact, my sister in law Laurie broke her leg. She has ahd cancer for 8 years the second time around. The Drs worked on her trying to make things better but it just didnt work. Then on the 26th she passed away, she just was not able to recover from her surgery to try to make her leg better. I miss her so much!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Our Summer

To start the summer off, the kids and I went on a cruise to Alaska. It was SO much fun!! The only thing that I would have changed is my DH was not able to go with us due to having to work. Alaska is such a beautiful place. I would love to go back there just my DH and I someday. And let me tell you, a cruise is the ONLY way to go!!

The first pic is of the kids and I in Seattle at the Space Needle. We rode the water log ride and walked around the Space Needle was so cool! The next pic is of the kids and I getting ready to go get on the boat. We were on a walkway above the traffic, that is our boat behind us. We were on the Norwegian Pearl. The next pic is of our room. Christian slept in the bed the pulled out of the wall to the right. Jentri slept on the bed to the right that is below Christian. I slept on the bed to the left, there was a bed under mine that we pulled out for Makayla. It was small but we had fun. The last one is of the sunset in Junea Alaska.

After dinner the kids and I would wonder around the ship both in and out. We saw some amazing scenery! Very beautiful!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I am Traci, I am a SAHM with three kids. Christian (13), Makayla (11) and Jentri (6). I have been married to a wonderful man for 18 years. I am 37 and my DH turned 39 this summer. Christian, my 13 year old, is type 1 diabetic and has been for about 2.5 years now. It has been a challenge getting used to how things work with the shots and blood checking etc.....Makayla is my 11 year old. She is head strong and knows what she wants. Jentri is my 6 year old (she was our oops! :) ) and she just pretty much goes with the flow. Doesnt let too much bother her.

Then we have our dog Zeplin. She is our 11 month old Akita. We got her from North Dakota. We had a dog Cody. She was part chow part husky, then she had a stroke last September. We swore we would never get another dog, but we found Zeplin looking on line at dogs and well the rest is history.